Be sure that your contractor performs the following procedures when installing a new central air conditioning system:
Allows adequate indoor space for the installation, maintenance, and repair of the new system, and installs an access door in the furnace or duct to provide a way to clean the evaporator coil
Uses a duct-sizing methodology such as the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) Manual D
Ensures there are enough supply registers to deliver cool air and enough return air registers to carry warm house air back to the air conditioner
Installs duct work within the conditioned space, not in the attic, wherever possible
Seals all ducts with duct mastic and heavily insulates attic ducts
Locates the condensing unit where its noise will not keep you or your neighbors awake at night, if possible
Locates the condensing unit where no nearby objects will block the flow of air to it
Places the condensing unit in a shady spot, if possible, which can reduce your air conditioning costs by 1%–2%
Verifies that the newly installed air conditioner has the exact refrigerant charge and air flow rate specified by the manufacturer
Locates the thermostat away from heat sources, such as windows or supply registers.
If you are replacing an older or failed split system, be sure that the evaporator coil is replaced with a new one that exactly matches the condenser coil in the new condensing unit. (The air conditioner's efficiency will likely not improve if the existing evaporator coil is left in place; in fact, the old coil could cause the new compressor to fail prematurely.)
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